The Kids of Morgantown.

on Tuesday, November 1, 2011
I’ve been going to Morgantown High for three years now, and I’ve always thought that my high school was any different, I thought that the kids in my school were more well rounded and overall nicer people. I had never seen any bullies in my school, and every one seemed to do pretty well in class, I never saw anybody cheating. My naieve opinions changed qiuckly when I started leaving the comfort of my house more often. I began to see how my peers could be seen as ‘holigans’ by the others, and that some kids weren’t as well manner and goodly as I had previously thought. But that didn’t apply to all of them, sure at first I was really surprised, and I stopped leaving my house for a while but I realized that just because these kids were perticipating in..less than reputable acts…didn’t mean they weren’t as nice as I had thought they were, my opinions of them fell dramtically, but a lot of them were still nicer than a lot of the adults I knew.
When I traveled to other states for various reasons, I saw what kind of people lived there, and I saw how the interacted with one another. They were WAY less patient and understanding than the folks around Morgantown. Every state will have it’s problems, but West Virgina is pretty much one of the better states that I could’ve ended up in. I like that people will wave at you where ever you are, that someone is always ready to strike up a converstaion with you, and that people will always be genuinly concerned with you and whatever problems you may have. I don’t often see that in other states, and it’s always a relief to come back to Morgantown after any long trips.
As I entered my junior year in high school, I started to be=reak out of my shell, I started to talk more with students in different groups, and I made so many new friends, I found out that a lot more people did drugs than I thought, there were a lot more parties than I had known about, and there was much more underlying drama than I had previously anticipated. But everyone was still really accomidating, and I began to care less and less about all of the drugs, parties, and drama it was so irrelevant. People can still be wonderful, and you don’t have to agree with every decision that they make in order to be friends with them.


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