The Appalachian Struggle

on Wednesday, September 5, 2012
          Culture, a subject that can be divided into many sub-categories, is truly defined by its very origin. To understand a region’s culture you must first identify the reason why that particular culture even exists. Ask yourself a question: how did it originate? It is by asking this question that we find the answer, for the main purpose of the Appalachian region is to provide resources. Coal is that main resource, it is the life blood that sustains us, the driving force that has kept us going, and the enveloping wall that has held us back.
     There are many stereotypes surrounding the whole Appalachian region; however, its people and resources stand resolute from all the persecution, seemingly unaffected by how the populous portrays their entire culture. The whole region is bound to this outlook, pertaining to more than five states including New York, West Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee. Times are changing, and with these changes come new alternatives to energy production. West Virginia has started to grasp the new renewable energy resources; this is exemplified by the numerous solar panels and wind farms that are sporadically appearing within the state. Still, no matter how many different energy sources are presented, WV will always have its dependence on coal. Other natural resources are starting to get tapped, including Marcellus Shale which is the second largest natural gas deposit in the world; this opportunity could drastically increase job numbers and state income. With all these options it would seem like West Virginia has a bright and prosperous future, but think about this; most of West Virginia's money is already invested into coal, leaving the question of whether we should migrate to different resources or focus on what we know. Shouldn't the money that we would have spent on new power plants be used on discovering a way to make coal and natural gas a more efficient energy source?
     This struggle on choosing which path to take really defines the state as a whole. As the saying goes, West Virginia is the northern most southern state and the southernmost northern state. We stand on the outside looking in and tend to always ask ourselves where we fit in, just like how we are all discombobulated on which opportunity should be pursued. I say we stick to what we do best, believe in ourselves, and invest in a future that will reflect back on our past with glistening pride. This truly defines our regional culture as prideful, somewhat jumbled, strong, and unaware, unaware of the potential within ourselves.         


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