Squandered Rights

on Monday, October 1, 2012
Appalachia loves to voice its supposed passion for politics. However, I’ve learned that the majority of our protests are empty hearted. Around Morgantown, I continuously see signs demanding an end to the “war on coal” and for Obama to be fired. In response, I would like to ask my people if they understand the idea of democracy. Although many think they would enjoy the ability to dismiss our president, to do so, you must actually vote.
            West Virginia had the second lowest voter turnout in 2008 with only 49.9% of our eligible voters filling out a ballot. The only state with a lower turnout was Hawaii. I simply do not understand how more than half of our population can simply be so lazy when we pretend to be so concerned with the outcome of our state. I’m not asking for democrats or republicans to change their views, I just wish that our people would become more involved with the politics that change their lives.


Anonymous said...

I fully agree with you, how can the American people squander the right to vote when it was paid for by blood? I would be interested in knowing where you stand on this, what your opinion is, and why do you think that half of our voting population doesn’t even vote? K

Anonymous said...

I love your post because it's so true. It makes me mad how people end up complaining about a president that is elected whenever they didn't vote to try to make a difference. -M

Anonymous said...

Your absolutly right about this.How can they be so lazy when it comes to a simple vote! They complain about our president and his views, but they never went to vote.I could understand if the canidate you voted for didn't win then they could complain. L

Anonymous said...

K, I feel that much of West Virginia doesn't see the importance of politics on their lives. I hear people often say that they do not plan on voting simply because they don't approve of any candidates on the ballot. This excuse is pathetic because Independent parties always provide an alternative. Although I'm not yet of voting age, I can't imagine an election that I wouldn't participate in. So many people would give anything for the right to vote and our people can't take the time out of their day to put their rights to use.

Anonymous said...

I agree with all of this. It's not fair to the rest of the people who actually care who's in control. If the part of West Virginia's population that didn't care would at least give their vote, then maybe we'd have a better chance at helping America with things that are going to matter in the end.

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