on Monday, October 22, 2012
Icy chill bites soft cheeks.
A flush rises on the skin.
The bloom of spring succumbs to the quiet of fall.
Yet this decadence of beauty is no sin.

Leaves jump to their deaths,
land delicately on their grave.
The quiet of fall will surrender to the silence of winter.
By the fire, smokey and sweet sit the brave.

Faced with death, no fear shown.
The cycle begins again.
For after the silence comes the crooning of life.
Sit, appreciate, watch is begin.  



Anonymous said...

This is beautiful. What do you call it?

Anonymous said...

Thank you! I call it The Circle:)

Anonymous said...

What season in the region of appalachia is your favorite and why? I love how in the Appalachia Mountains, we get to experience the different sorts of weather. My favorite season is probably the fall because the leaves are beautiful to look at on the mountains. -MK

Anonymous said...

I honestly love them all so much that it's hard for me to choose, but if I HAD to... I suppose my favorite would be winter. I love the quiet, the glittering snow and curling up under lots of blankets with a good book. I love walking in the snow, it's so peaceful.

Anonymous said...

this is amazing! wish i could write like that.-L

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much!! I am a little bit of a poetry nerd :P

Jessi said...

Your poem gave me chills!! I love the beauty of the fall, but I hate that it's the beginning of cold weather.

Anonymous said...

Thanks! See, I don't mind the cold, I think jacket, scarf and boots weather is the best kind of weather!

R said...

This is really good! There's something special about this time of year. It's beautiful!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful circle of seasons you have described/painted for the reader!
And yes, all seasons hold a unique reason to love them.


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