The Sounds of Appalachia

on Monday, January 28, 2013
           What makes the sounds of Appalachia? Is it our history or the multiple cultures that make up Appalachia?  I think it is both or history and our culture: our music is like a story about the hard and good times the people in Appalachia went through. Without the diverse culture in Appalachia we wouldn’t have the sweet sounds of the region. Our main contributor to Appalachian music is the English and Scottish ballad tradition and Irish and Scottish fiddle music. Then we added the banjo from African American blues which added to the instrumental aspect of the Appalachian music and gave birth to an iconic symbol of Appalachia the banjo. Now you ask yourself how they found their inspiration for their songs. I think it was their isolation that made them write songs to cope with the 72 hour work week in the coal mine or the restless housekeeping. Their music had a powerful and constant compassion for hope and joy that would lighten the burden on these people. Their music was their inspiration to keep working and that life would get better. The songs of Appalachia have been carried down through the generations, which eventually gave way to our country's music today.


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