Protesting the War on Coal

on Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I was driving with my boyfriend over the summer when we got stuck in traffic behind this truck. As soon as I saw it, I knew I had to take a picture to show this year’s new Appalachian Liturature class. I lunged for my camera while exclaiming wildly that I had just watched a documentary on this in school and that I had to put it on the blog – which, of course garnered me a few strange looks. Unfortunately, I wasn’t quick enough to get a picture of the entire back of the truck before it started driving away. The other side was decorated with two more of the smaller sticker shown above. (For any who can’t read the smaller sticker, it says ‘Save the world. Fire Obama!’)
When I took this picture, I had no idea that I would be in this class again. Hopefully this year, we touch on some of the same topics we discussed in last year’s class, such as ‘the war on coal’ as depicted in the documentary The Last Mountain. That was my favorite topic that we went over last year, and I’m excited to see some of the new views on coal from this year’s class.


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