Bipolar Spring Weather of Appalachia

on Thursday, March 15, 2012
As the title suggests, the weather that I experience on a daily basis is extremely diverse and occasionally wicked. The thing that I am frustrated with is the temperatures. In the spring, the weather is very intemperate. I will get up in the morning, look at the outside temperature, it will be 36 degrees so I wear pants. However, by the end of the day, it will be 65 degrees and i will be very warm and uncomfortable in pants. On the other hand, if I wear shorts FREEZE in the mornings but then I am very comfortable in the afternoon!! Today, the weather channel predicted thunderstorms and rain. At school, once the sun came up, the color of the sky was a little bit disturbing. It was almost a sepia tone in the enviornment. The sky was a yellow- brown and because of the humidity levels, the color hung in the air as the small droplettes in the air were illiminated. This is the mystery of spring in Appalachia.



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