on Thursday, March 15, 2012
It has become apparent that spring has arrived in Appalachia. It has been a gradual process, but now I think that the random bouts of snow will finally stop making an appearance. The animals have come out of hiding, and I am once again waking up to the chirping of birds outside my window. Due to the time change, the sun now stays in the sky even longer, making everyone’s day that much brighter.
The leaves on the trees are finally beginning to return, as is the beautiful green grass. It is now not so uncommon to see the students at school wearing lighter clothing, such as shorts or T-shirts. The weather this week has been roughly between 60-70 degrees, which has helped ease the generally cranky mood that is associated with the winter months.
I am looking forward to seeing more signs of the transitions between seasons. It really is beautiful to witness.

- Falyn


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