It's almost spring time!

on Thursday, March 15, 2012
It’s not officially spring yet, but the wild crocuses have already sprouted and the birds have returned. The trees haven’t budded thus far, but I can’t imagine that they’re too far off. Instead of the usual gray clouds, rainy days, and over all unpredictable weather that Morgantown is famous for, we’ve had nothing but agreeable sunny days. During my lunch times these past couple weeks, the sun and warmth has persuaded me to forgo eating with my loud obnoxious classmates and sit outside on our school’s bleachers. Out there it’s peaceful, sunny, and oh so inviting. It’s been so wonderful having predictable weather in Morgantown that I’ve been able to PLAN to take walks, and play outside, and seize the day. Just the other day I was able to take a walk through the forest; I didn’t see any wild life other than a few birds, but the grass was sprouting. It looked AMAZING. I didn’t realize how much I had missed the blazing sun, the lush grass, and the outdoors! But now I hear it’s supposed to rain all weekend…so I guess it was nice while it lasted.


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