on Wednesday, April 18, 2012
The Last Mountain was an intriguing documentary about mountain top removal. The film provided a lot of interesting points about the environmental downfall caused by blowing up mountains for mining. Considering I had absolutely no opinion on the subject before watching the film, I can say that I am now leaning in the direction that the film wanted me to. I've never really been one of those 'save the environment' types, but I see that it is an important cause that directly affects the area in which I live.

Preserving the environment is important, but I can't help but feel that something is missing from the movie. It was incredibly biased, and it makes me feel that the makers of the movie are afraid of the viewers hearing the other side of the story. I want to hear the coal miners' side. I want to hear Don Blankenship's opinion. It's hard for me to feel strongly in either direction without hearing both sides of the story. After doing more research on the different sides of the argument, and after checking out the statistics provided by the film, I will be able to choose which side of the debate I would like to be on.

- Falyn


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