on Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Recently, my appalachian class watched "The Last Mountain." This movie popped my eyes wide open to the destruction Massey coal is responsible for throughout coal country. How can Massey's CEO, Don Blankenship, honestly believe that the corporation he is running, although it may employ many miners, is justified with its thousands of safety violations that they in turn have only payed a fifth of the amount for. In an interview about how Massey coal affects the environment, Blankenship was asked his view on global warming, most of us who would agree with the statement that burning coal is the number one leading cause of greenhouse gas emissions, in which he goes on to say that he believes that the earth has been continually getting colder and that the whole concept of the "warming earth," is proposterous. Is he insane or just ignorant of the science backing up the reality of a warming earth? I wonder.


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