Mountain Top Removal Mining

on Wednesday, April 18, 2012
  Writing about this feels unnatural to me. I intentionally avoid bringing this and other environmental subjects up in conversation because they only lead to argument. I'm allergic to confrontation.
   But I suppose that's not a very good excuse, so here's my opinion: I like the environment, but I also like electricity. Until the government and general public learn to embrace renewable energy, I'm for the harvesting of coal by any means neccessary, because I like using my computer, watching T.V., turning on the lights, and running heat and air conditioning. As for preserving the mountains- and I might just be apathetic- I feel that most West Virginians have accepted and even encouraged the gradual destruction of the state through mining, powerplants, and lumbering over the past hundred years. However,  I'm hopeful that the rest of the country will not emulate West Virginia, and Americans will wake up and start valuing the Earth on which they live.


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