Defining Appalachia

on Wednesday, August 29, 2012
How does one define the Appalachian culture? Is it the language, music, or clothing, there’s so many ways to define it. In finding the definition I found stereotypes like all the people in Appalachia eat cornbread and beans. Why does everyone outside the Appalachia region think all we eat in Appalachia is beans and cornbread?  We’re a very diverse place when it comes to food.  All types of cultures (Italians Germans, English, Scots, Irish, Spanish) blend together to make very down home meals that define Appalachia. Some meals are a little back wood than others, but their delicious no matter what everyone thinks.  Pepperoni roles is a really common snack in Appalachia, it originated out of West Virginia.   A lot eat them outside of the Appalachia region to, but yet everyone still thinks we eat beans and cornbread.  Beans and cornbread is really good, but we eat a lot of wild things to. The deer jerky here is the closest thing to heaven… besides the scenery.  There are some that some will never try; well that’s what makes the food here unique.  The things that an area does that are different and unique define the culture. Appalachia is unique in their food from baked raccoon to pepperoni rolls; the self reliance of the region contributed the meals in Appalachia. This is how food describes the culture in Appalachia.



Marilyn Sue Shank said...

I agree that the scenery is every bit as delicious as the food.

Keep writing about our beautiful Appalachia!

Marilyn Sue Shank

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