Ghosts and Folklore

on Tuesday, April 9, 2013
For the past few days I have been reading ghost stories from various anthologies in an attempt to get a better understanding of folklore in the Appalachian area. It seems like the old phrase “hell hath no fury like a woman scorned” originated in our hills, because let me tell you, there are some crazy, vengeful lady ghosts... Jealousy in general is a very common theme in these stories. Other reoccurring themes include Civil War tales and, of course, miner ghosts. Folklore is one of the best ways to better understand a group of people because it shows their superstitions and their fears. What people fear is a very telling thing; it helps you get a better idea of who they are. Yet often pride acts as a veil keeping that side of them from sight; folklore lets us peak behind the veil…see the skeletons in their closet.



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