Spring Time

on Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Finally! The time of year we’ve all been waiting for: spring.  The weather’s warming up to the mid-60’s, low 70’s, the blossoms on the trees and ground are starting to peek through, and you can even hear the frogs at my grandma’s house.  There’s something about spring that makes me instantly happier.  April is the month that’s pushing the end of the school year, and when we can say that we’re nearing our due dates for second semester projects (presenting them the first week in May so by then we only have about three weeks left of school), we get very excited.  After thinking long and hard about ideas for my second semester project (with no success), it finally hit me: Movies!  Everybody loves movies (me especially) and if you don’t, you’re crazy.  It got me thinking again.  Why do people make so many movies about Appalachia?  What is it about Appalachia that is so interesting that it needs to be such a big topic of entertainment?  Why did they recently make a TV series about the infamous Hatfields and McCoys? Why make the Beverly Hillbillies back in the 60’s? Yeah, it’s not necessarily Appalachian, but it’s partially what started the redneck and hillbilly stereotypes people from Appalachia have to deal with today.  I want to find these answers for myself, so we’ll see what happens!



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