
on Tuesday, April 9, 2013
For my project I am researching the Mothman and its sightings, events surrounding it (such as the collapse of the Silver Bridge), and the truth as to whether Mothman was an actual supernatural being or just a hoax. I’m using the book The Mothman Prophecies as the basis for my research, but I am searching for another book to use as another source. The Mothman is a very complex being, and only one book doesn’t give the being justice. Another aspect of the legend I am researching is the numerous extraterrestrial and Men in Black sightings loosely associated with Mothman.  Although these types of sightings may not have anything to do with Mothman, they will help explain why Point Pleasant was the site of all these supernatural occurrences and is still investigated to uncover if Mothman is still around today.



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