Affrilachian Literature

on Friday, February 17, 2012
Affrilachain poets are unique in the sense that they discuss topics that most writers from Appalachia are never caught writing about. Not many people know that they even exist due to the stereotypes that surround Appalachia. Stll they are very important to the region and shouldn't be thrown aside, their work is just as meaningful as that of white writers.

And I still ride the tarc by Bernard Clay is probably one of my favorite poems by an Affrilachian writer. I really like how well the poems flow and it kept me interested the entire time I was reading it. The poem is about his experience on the TARC buses that are the public transportation in Louisville, Kentucky. Public transportation isn't something I see many white writers talking about, and its refreshing to see how it is seen.

I'm intrigued by Affrilachian writers to say the least. Just this short exposure to their writing has made me begin thinking about what other minority writer groups there are that never get much attention. To me poetry is a sort of story telling, and with storytelling there can never be enough storeies. Who knows how many more stories we could be exposed to if we read more from minority poets.


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