on Wednesday, February 1, 2012
There isn’t a place in this town, or this state, or probably the tri-state area where a little green cannot be found during all seasons. Even under heavy snow, sparse patches of grass will survive and display their colors proudly, refusing to be beaten down by the brutal cold. Evergreens stand in abundance, rivaling the snow and ice and serving as reminders that winter cannot last forever, and that, come springtime, lush foliage will once again envelop the land and swallow it whole.
When that time finally arrives, the possibilities are endless. Just a few miles from the city’s heart in any direction, a sanctuary that seems light-years away from civilization can be found and enjoyed. Flowers, ferns, mosses, and weeds are delightful companions on the forest floors. Centuries-old trees adorned with vines and poison oak tower above and create a roof overhead. Invisible critters scurry beneath the brush and scare you breathless, and ever-happy birds chat back and forth.
The greatest thing of all is that a  human can stay out in the wild a while and feel completely and utterly alone- but never lonely.


Appalachian Literature Class said...

I absolutely love the way you write and what you write about; it is so honest. I felt a connection with this post simply because the beauty in the flora and fauna of West Virginia is so unique, and quite beautiful! Keep up the great posts

Appalachian Literature Class said...

I really like the way you described the forrests. The way you described the viines, I would never want to leave once I was there. Very, Very captivating.

Appalachian Literature Class said...

You captured the natural beauty of Appalachia perfectly. I love the last sentence especially. It's so true.

Taryn said...
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Taryn said...

Oh, Emma, this was very pretty. One thing that we have in the area we live in is seasons. We get to experience the cool breeze of autumn, the beauty that cold can bring through snow in the winter, the relief of spring, and the lushness of summer. And your post accentuated the significance of the little details of nature and how they all intertwine to create a beautiful landscape, and -- as you commented at the end -- it provides solitude without complete isolation. This will sound cliche, but nature is like...company to the soul.

Appalachian Literature Class said...

First off, I really like that you used a different font than everyone else. It makes it stand out.

As for your actual writing, it's absolutely wonderful! You're a fantastic writer. My favorite part is the last sentence. It's hauntingly beautiful.

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