What I Like About Appalachia

on Wednesday, February 1, 2012
For those of us who live in Appalachia, it is nice to sometimes lean back and take in all that is around us.  West Virginia is known for quite a few things, one of which being the beautiful mountains that can be seen by looking in almost every direction. Not to mention all of the vast rolling hills, manicured farmland, and a deep, rich history that is almost embedded into the very soil. This makes WV the perfect spot for those who enjoy gorgeous landscapes. Whether a person considers themself a professional sightseer, or even if they have lived here their entire life, it is difficult not to be amazed by all of the beauty that is around.

Something that is quite unique about the Appalachian area is, of course, the weather. This is the only place I have ever heard of that can go from 60 degrees one day, to about 20 the next, along with half a foot of snow. The weather is quite unpredictable, which I consider to be quite pleasant. I get full wear of my wardrobe almost year round, in an attempt to tackle whichever element the sky throws at us. In Appalachia, every day is an adventure; you never quite know what to expect.

                                                               - F.


Appalachian Literature Class said...

I like the description, it draws one in. I also like the weather comment... its sooo true.

Taryn said...

"--and a deep, rich history that is almost ebedded into the very soil." That's a good sentence that really emphasizes the importance of nature and how it has tied in with the make-up of our culture. And the weather part of your post is very true, though we aren't used to getting THIS much variety in temperature during the winter, are we? Heheh.

Appalachian Literature Class said...

A professional sightseer? That just amused me beyond belief. It made me wonder what qualifies one to be a professional sightseer. Your description doesn't overdo it but it gives just enough for one to be curious about this place; it makes me think it is a little mysterious and the mystery needs to be solved. And the weather? I actually didn't give much thought to it until you mentioned it. That was really original to toss out there, and it makes one appreciate the insane, bipolar nature of our weather.


Appalachian Literature Class said...

This is really well written. And bit about the weather is very accurate.

Chipps said...

Appalachia is truely a very tempermental being. I had never really given a second thought to just how odd our weather really is. Its astonishing at the least.

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